Organisations join forces to establish a Virtual Forum for Knowledge Exchange

The Virtual Forum for Knowledge Exchange in the Mathematical Sciences (V-KEMS) has been set up in a new collaboration between the Isaac Newton Institute (INI) (and its knowledge exchange arm, the Newton Gateway to Mathematics), the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) and the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN).

The V-KEMS initiative aims to allow a wide range of activities and interactions within and beyond Mathematical Sciences to take place virtually. The three main areas of activity currently proposed are: mathematical support to business, industry, the public sector and third sectors; webinars and scoping meetings; and virtual study groups. The Forum has been established in response to the current lockdown, but its role ‘can and will be long-lasting’.

A pilot virtual study group (VSG) has already been organised for 20-23 April, as well as discussions with various industry groups and government. V-KEMS is also working alongside the Royal Society's Rapid Assistance in Modelling the Pandemic (RAMP) initiative and various other responses from the UK and international Mathematical Sciences community to the current crisis.

V-KEMS will act as a ‘facilitator and honest broker for mathematical and data modelling by providing an interface for government and industry to access knowledge exchange with the UK Mathematical Sciences academic community during the current crisis and beyond’. This is closely aligned to the recommendation of the Bond review for a (connected-centres model of a) National Centre for Impactful Mathematics.

More information is available here.