
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society

Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society cover image

Journal Facts

eISSN: 1469-2120

Publication model: Hybrid open access
Identity transparency: Single anonymised
Reviewer interacts with: Editor
Review information published: None

Mathematical Citation Quotient (MCQ): 0.95

Contact email:


Editorial Board

Managing Editors: 

Minhyong Kim University of Edinburgh, UK

Julia Wolf University of Cambridge, UK


Section Editors:

Arend Bayer University of Edinburgh, UK
Geometry and Topology

José Carrillo University of Oxford, UK
Partial Differential Equations and Geometric and Numerical Analysis

Alex Fink Queen Mary University of London, UK
Combinatorics, Discrete Mathematics and Logic

Srikanth Iyengar University of Utah, USA

Nadia Larsen University of Oslo, Norway

Jack Thorne University of Cambridge, UK
Number Theory

Amanda Turner University of Leeds, UK
Probability, Stochastic Analysis and Dynamical Systems

Obituaries Editor:

Dugald Macpherson University of Leeds, UK


The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society has been publishing leading research across a broad range of mathematics since 1969.

The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society focuses on the publication of concise articles reporting a significant advance in mathematical knowledge, or which are deemed to stimulate new interest and research activity. The articles have a maximum length of 20 pages and may be of specialist or general interest.

In addition to primary research articles, the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society also publishes authoritative survey articles and obituaries.

The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society shares an Editorial Board with the Journal of the London Mathematical Society. The Journal of the London Mathematical Society publishes longer research articles (18 pages and above). Both journals employ the same high standard of peer review.

Not-for-profit publishing

The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society is wholly owned and managed by the London Mathematical Society as one of its charitable activities.

100% of the funds generated by the Society’s publications are reinvested in mathematics, supporting mathematicians and mathematics research in the form of research grants, conference grants, prizes, initiatives for early career researchers, and the promotion of mathematics.

Publishing your research in the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society directly supports the charitable work of the Society.

Submit to the Bulletin

  • You may submit a paper electronically as a single PDF file. Please keep the .tex file that precisely corresponds to the PDF version that you are submitting. If your paper is accepted, we will require that particular version of the .tex file. Please do not send the .tex file at this time.
  • The Editorial Board is organised into 7 subject-based sections, each with a number of Editors under a subject Section Editor who has the authority to accept papers for publication. Please choose the specific subject area and Editor you feel is closest to the subject of your paper. (Note that papers may be re-assigned to another Editor when appropriate.)
  • Corresponding authors are asked to provide their ORCID iD as part of the submission process; those without an ORCID iD will be shown how to obtain one. This can be done in just a minute or two via the website
  • All Research articles published in the Bulletin are peer reviewed. Editors may reject papers without external review.

Editorial Board

  The Bulletin and Journal of the London Mathematical Society share an Editorial Board.

  • The Bulletin publishes shorter research articles  (20 pages and below) 
  • The Journal publishes longer research articles (18 pages and above)

Papers should be submitted to the London Mathematical Society, naming the most appropriate member of the Editorial Board to whom the paper should be forwarded. Please note papers may be reassigned to a different Board Member during the review process. 

Subject sections

The Editorial Board is organised into 7 subject-based sections, each with a Section Editor who has the authority to accept papers for publication.

Click on the appropriate subject heading below to view the list of Editors in each section. 

(Occasionally an Editor listed here may reach full capacity and may not be available when you submit. If this is the case, please choose another Editor.)



Section Editor: Srikanth Iyengar (University of Utah, USA)
Michael Bate (University of York, UK)  Algebraic groups, representation theory, and geometric invariant theory
Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium)  Group Theory
Xiao-Wu Chen (University of Science and Technology of China, China)  Representation theory and homological algebra
Ben Davison (University of Edinburgh, UK)  Representation theory and algebraic geometry
Charles Eaton (University of Manchester, UK)  Finite groups and representation theory
Bettina Eick (Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany)  Computational algebra
Christof Geiss (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico)  Algebra and representation theory
Aaron Lauda (University of Southern California, USA)  Representation theory and quantum topology
Wendy Lowen (University of Antwerp, Belgium) Category theory and homological algebra, algebraic geometry
Linquan Ma (Purdue University, USA)  Commutative algebra and singularity theory
Gerhard Röhrle (Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany) Algebraic groups and finite groups of Lie type, hyperplane arrangements
Ralf Schiffler (University of Connecticut, USA)  Representation theory and combinatorics


Section Editor: Nadia Larsen (University of Oslo, Norway)
Michael Brannan (University of Waterloo, Canada)  Operator algebras, quantum information theory and free probability
Alexandros Eskenazis (CNRS, France)  Metric geometry, discrete analysis, geometric functional analysis
Jens Kaad (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) Noncommutative geometry, K-theory and operator algebras (including cyclic theory and KK-theory)
Greg Knese (Washington University, USA)  Operator theory and complex analysis
Nadia Larsen (University of Oslo, Norway)  Operator algebras
Olga Maleva (University of Birmingham, UK)  Functional analysis, Banach spaces and geometric measure theory
Gaven Martin (Massey University, New Zealand)  Complex analysis and complex dynamics
Brett Wick (Washington University, USA)  Harmonic analysis, operator theory and function theory
Ruixiang Zhang (University of California Berkeley, USA)  Harmonic analysis
Włodzimierz Zwonek (Jagiellonian University, Poland)  Complex analysis and pluripotential theory

Combinatorics, Discrete Mathematics and Logic

Section Editor: Alex Fink (Queen Mary University of London, UK and Institute for Advanced Study, USA)
Joan Bagaria (University of Barcelona, Spain)  Set theory
David Conlon (California Institute of Technology, USA)  Combinatorics
Alex Fink (Queen Mary University of London, UK and Institute for Advanced Study, USA)  Algebraic combinatorics
Jonathan Kirby (University of East Anglia, UK)  Logic and connections with algebra, geometry and number theory
Daniel Král' (Masaryk University, Czech Republic)  Combinatorics
Andrew Marks (University of California Berkeley, USA)  Descriptive set theory and computability theory
Julian Sahasrabudhe (University of Cambridge, UK) Ramsey theory, probabilistic methods and
random matrices
Alex Scott (University of Oxford, UK)  Combinatorics and graph theory
Michael Shulman (University of San Diego, USA)  Type theory and category theory

Geometry and Topology

Section Editor: Arend Bayer (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Gregory Arone (Stockholm University, Sweden)  Homotopy theory and algebraic topology
Arthur Bartels (University of Münster, Germany)  K-theory and geometric topology
Paolo Cascini (Imperial College London, UK)  Algebraic geometry
Tudor Dimofte (University of Edinburgh, UK) Algebra, geometry and topology in quantum field theory and string theory
Emanuele Dotto (University of Warwick, UK) Homotopy theory, higher categories and homotopical algebra
Viveka Erlandsson (University of Bristol, UK) Low-dimensional topology and geometry, Teichmüller theory, mapping class groups and geometric group theory
Javier Fernández de Bobadilla (BCAM, Spain)  Singularity theory and algebraic geometry 
Joel Fine (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)  Differential geometry, geometric analysis and global analysis
Hansjörg Geiges (University of Cologne, Germany)  Symplectic and contact topology
Daniel Groves (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)  Geometric group theory
Anne-Sophie Kaloghiros (Brunel University London, UK)  Algebraic geometry and birational geometry
Dawid Kielak (University of Oxford, UK)  Geometric group theory
Hannah Markwig (Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen, Germany)  Tropical geometry, polyhedral geometry and toric geometry
Brendan Owens (University of Glasgow, UK) Low-dimensional topology
Jonathan Pridham (University of Edinburgh, UK)  Derived algebraic geometry and homotopical algebra
Julius Ross (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)  Algebraic and differential geometry
Stefan Schreieder (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany)  Algebraic geometry
Benoit Vicedo (University of York, UK)  Integrable systems and mathematical physics

Number Theory

Section Editor: Jack Thorne (University of Cambridge, UK)
Sam Chow (University of Warwick, UK) Diophantine approximation, analytic number theory, arithmetic combinatorics
Jessica Fintzen (University of Bonn, Germany)  Representation theory and the Langlands correspondence
Tom Fisher (University of Cambridge, UK)  Computational number theory
Kevin Ford (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA)  Analytic number theory
Andreas Langer (University of Exeter, UK)  p-adic arithmetic geometry
Bao V. Le Hung (Northwestern University, USA)  Algebraic number theory
Daniel Loughran (University of Bath, UK)  Arithmetic and Diophantine geometry
Paul Nelson (Aarhus University, Denmark)  Analytic number theory, automorphic forms and representation theory
Rachel Newton (King's College London, UK)  Rational points and localglobal principles
Martin Orr (University of Manchester, UK)  Arithmetic and Diophantine geometry
Abhishek Saha (Queen Mary University of London, UK) Siegel modular forms, automorphic representations and analytic number theory

Partial Differential Equations and Geometric and Numerical Analysis

Section Editor: José Carrillo (University of Oxford, UK)
Sabine Boegli (Durham University, UK)  Spectral theory of linear differential equations
Gui-Qiang Chen (University of Oxford, UK)  Nonlinear PDEs and nonlinear analysis
Maria del Mar Gonzalez Nogueras (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) Conformal geometry, partial differential equations, non-local operators
Tobias Lamm (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)  Calculus of variations, geometric analysis and PDEs
Marco Marletta (Cardiff University, UK)  Ordinary and partial differential equations
Monica Musso (University of Bath, UK)  Nonlinear analysis and PDEs
Melanie Rupflin (University of Oxford, UK)  Calculus of variations, geometric analysis and PDEs
Lucia Scardia * (Heriot-Watt University, UK)  Calculus of variations, harmonic analysis
Felix Schulze (University of Warwick, UK)  Differential geometry, geometric analysis and PDEs
Endre Süli (University of Oxford, UK)  Nonlinear PDEs and numerical analysis of PDEs
Francoise Tisseur (University of Manchester, UK)  Numerical analysis and matrix analysis
Tong Yang (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong)  Nonlinear PDEs and kinetic theory
Ewelina Zatorska (University of Warwick, UK) Nonlinear PDEs, mathematical fluid mechanics and kinetic theory
*Professor Scardia is currently on leave from her editorial work.

Probability, Stochastic Analysis and Dynamical Systems 

Section Editor: Amanda Turner (University of Leeds, UK)
David Burguet (Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France) Dynamical systems and ergodic theory
Thomas Cass (Imperial College London, UK)  Probability, stochastic and rough analysis 
Núria Fagella (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)  Complex dynamical systems 
Tamara Grava (University of Bristol, UK)  Mathematical physics, integrable systems, random matrices
Mariusz Mirek (Rutgers University, USA)  Discrete and Fourier analysis and ergodic theory
Mary Rees (University of Liverpool, UK)  Complex dynamics and dynamics
Mike Todd (University of St Andrews, UK)  Ergodic theory and dynamical systems
Dmitry Turaev (Imperial College London,  UK)  Dynamical systems
Amanda Turner (University of Leeds, UK)  Probability and stochastic analysis
Peter Varjú (University of Cambridge, UK)  Discrete analysis, random walks and fractal geometry
Yilin Wang (IHÉS, University of Paris Saclay, France)  Random conformal geometry, complex analysis, geometric function theory
Nikos Zygouras (University of Warwick, UK)  Probability theory

General Submission Guidelines

When evaluating papers, the Editorial Board considers a number of criteria such as novelty, innovation, significance, and advancement of the field of research. Specialist papers should have a motivating introduction that sets the work in context and can be understood by researchers outside the immediate specialism of the paper. (For Survey Articles, see the separate heading below.) 

The Editorial Board and/or Section Editors will make an initial assessment of all papers against these criteria and typically send for a full review only those papers which, in their professional judgement, are likely to meet expected standards for the Bulletin. Preliminary expert opinions may be sought as part of this assessment step.

  • Papers should be submitted in English or French.
  • Each paper must be submitted exclusively to one journal.
  • No paper that has been previously published, or which is being considered for publication elsewhere, should be submitted to the London Mathematical Society.
  • Nor may a paper that is under consideration by the London Mathematical Society be submitted elsewhere.
  • By submitting your manuscript to this journal you accept that it may be screened for plagiarism against previously published works.

For more information about submitting a paper to this journal, please see these guides:

  • The BLMS Author Guide covers common practices in peer review as well as specific procedures and explanations of the EditFlow paper management system.
  • The London Mathematical Society has adopted an ethical policy for its journals, including guidance on the expected behaviour of authors, referees and editors. The full policy can be found here. The Society is also in agreement with the principles of the EMS Code of Practice.

Content published in the Bulletin is selected based on merit alone and irrespective of nationality, geographic location, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors. Publication in the Bulletin of individual authors' work does not constitute endorsement by the London Mathematical Society of the policies or actions of any government or other agencies.

Revised versions
If you wish to upload a revision of a previously submitted article, please do not use the link above. Instead, use the status link contained in the email you received from us about your previous submission. If you cannot find the link, then contact

The Editors prefer not to consider multiple versions of the same paper before a decision on the first version is sent, particularly if the changes are minor. If you have received a letter that firmly rejects your paper and does not mention that a resubmission would be considered, you would be advised to submit any revision of your paper to another journal.

The LMS uses the journal management software EditFlow, a registered trademark of Mathematical Sciences Publishers. Further information about the EditFlow software is available here.

On Acceptance

Upon acceptance, your paper will be sent to Wiley for typesetting. You will receive a link to check your proofs via an online proofing tool. There is also an option to view these proofs as a PDF (using a button in the top right-hand corner of the tool). Production queries should be sent to (Wiley) or (LMS Editorial Office).

Authors will be asked to agree to assign an Exclusive Licence to Publish to the Society or alternatively to opt to make the paper Open Access.

Your funder or institution may require you to publish gold or green open access. Wiley has an Author Compliance Tool to check the policies of your funder or institution. Eligibility for open access agreements between Wiley and institutions is typically determined by the affiliation of the corresponding author. The LMS Editorial Office can assist authors in navigating open access requirements. 

Survey articles

The Bulletin has published authoritative survey articles since its launch in 1969. Since January 2020 most  Surveys have been published open access subject to the authors' agreement. 

The London Mathematical Society acknowledges support from a legacy by Frank Gerrish in the publication of expository articles and surveys where institutional funds are not available.

The Managing Editors of the Bulletin welcome submissions of Survey articles via the Bulletin EditFlow site selecting "survey" as your article type.

The intention is that each survey article should be an in-depth, authoritative overview of the state of the subject, of interest to newcomers as well as experts and, ideally, one that would become a standard reference. Such surveys may contain full proofs, pieces of original research or unorthodox points of view on known results, and can be of any length.

A collection of recent Survey articles (2010 – present) is hosted on Wiley Online Library.

Open Access

The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society is a hybrid open access journal. By default, articles in the journal will be published on a subscription basis and only be accessible to journal subscribers. The journal has options for gold and green open access publication.

Before submitting to the Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, authors should check any open access requirements from their institution or funder.

If you are required to publish on an open access basis but you cannot identify a compliant route with Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, please contact the journal team before submitting.

See our open access page for more information.


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