Calendar of Events

This calendar lists Society meetings and other mathematics events publicised in the LMS Newsletter.

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2024 July, August, September, November
2025 June


JULY 2024
16-28 LMS Undergraduate Summer School, Sheffield
22-26 Bridging PDE and Geometric Flows - An LMS-HIMR Research School, Cardiff University
22-26  LMS Research School: AGGITATE 2024, University of Essex
5-9 Young Mathematicians in C*-algebras 2024, University of Glasgow
5-9 Machine Learning in Infinite Dimensions, University of Bath
12-16 International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications (IWOTA), University of Kent
20-23 Research Students' Conference in Probability and Statistics (RSC), University of Exeter
28-30 Water Waves – Mathematical Theory and Applications, University of Plymouth
2-3 1st meeting of the UK Mathematical Systems and Control Theory Network
3-5 Metastability and Tipping in Complex Systems, Leicester
4-5 Unlocking the Potential: The IMA AI/ML Congress, Birmingham
4-6 Groups & Representations: after Roger Carter, University of Warwick, Coventry
10-13 Geometry from the Model Theorist's Point of View, Math Institute & St. Hilda's College, Oxford
11-13 4th IMA Conference on Inverse Problems from Theory to Application, University of Bath
18 LMS and Waterstones Trafalgar Square presents: The Art of Uncertainty: David Spiegelhalter in conversation with Timandra Harkness
22  LMS Annual General Meeting and Naylor Lecture 2024
JUNE 2025
23-26 4th IMA Conference on Dense Granular Flows, Cambridge
24-26 IMA Mathematics Anxiety International Conference, Cambridge


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Editorial Control: Susan Oakes