The Transactions of the London Mathematical Society is the Society’s only fully open access journal.
Publishing articles of the highest quality across the full range of mathematics, the Transactions of the London Mathematical Society has an emphasis on excellent exposition of research which explores the interconnectedness of pure mathematics or extends the boundaries of its applicability.
Articles are published under a Creative Commons licence. The final, typeset Version of Record of each published article is freely available to everyone to read and reuse immediately upon publication, provided the terms of the licence are met.
The majority of mathematicians are able to publish in the Transactions of the London Mathematical Society with no charge because this is covered by an institutional or national agreement with our publishing partner, Wiley. For those authors not covered by an agreement, an Article Publication Charge (APC) will normally apply; however, the LMS and Wiley will waive APCs for articles of sufficient quality to warrant publication.
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The Transactions of the London Mathematical Society is wholly owned and managed by the London Mathematical Society as one of its charitable activities.
100% of the funds generated by the Society’s publications are reinvested in mathematics, supporting mathematicians and mathematics research in the form of research grants, conference grants, prizes, initiatives for early career researchers, and the promotion of mathematics.
Publishing your research in the Transactions of the London Mathematical Society directly supports the charitable work of the Society.
Submit to the Transactions
- You may submit a paper electronically as a single PDF file. Please keep the .tex file that precisely corresponds to the PDF version that you are submitting. If your paper is accepted, we will require that particular version of the .tex file. Please do not send the .tex file at this time.
- Have a look at the members of the Editorial Board (above) and be prepared to select one whose mathematical interests are closest to the subject of your paper. (Please note that the Editorial Board may re-assign submissions to another Editor when appropriate.)
- From 2018, corresponding authors will be asked to provide their ORCID iD as part of the submission process; those without an ORCID ID will be shown how to obtain one. This can be done in just a minute or two via the website https://orcid.org.
- All research articles published in the Transactions are peer reviewed. Editors may reject papers without external review.
General Submission Guidelines
- Papers should be submitted in English or French.
- Each paper must be submitted exclusively to one journal.
- No paper that has been previously published, or which is being considered for publication elsewhere, should be submitted to the London Mathematical Society.
- Nor may a paper that is under consideration by the London Mathematical Society be submitted elsewhere.
- By submitting your manuscript to this journal you accept that it may be screened for plagiarism against previously published works.
For more information about submitting a paper to this journal, please see these guides:
- An Author guide which is available here, covers common practices in peer review as well as specific procedures and explanations of the EditFlow paper management system.
- The London Mathematical Society has adopted an ethical policy for its journals, including guidance on the expected behaviour of authors, referees, and editors. The full policy can be found here
Content published in the Transactions is selected based on merit alone and irrespective of nationality, geographic location, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors. Publication in the Transactions of individual authors' work does not constitute endorsement by the London Mathematical Society of the policies of any government or other agencies.
All articles published in the Transactions are peer reviewed. Editors may reject papers without external review.
Revised versions
If you wish to upload a revision of a previously submitted article, please do not use the link above. Instead, use the status link contained in the email you received from us about your previous submission. If you cannot find the link, then contact lmsjournals@lms.ac.uk
The Editors prefer not to consider multiple versions of the same paper before a decision on the first version is sent, particularly if the changes are minor. If you have received a letter that firmly rejects your paper and does not mention that a resubmission would be considered, you would be advised to submit any revision of your paper to another journal.
The LMS uses the journal management software EditFlow, a registered trademark of Mathematical Sciences Publishers. Further information about the EditFlow software is available here.
On Acceptance
Upon acceptance, your paper will be sent to Wiley for typesetting. You will receive a link to check your proofs via an online proofing tool. There is also an option to view these proofs as a PDF (using a button in the top right-hand corner of the tool). Production queries should be sent to tlms@wiley.com (Wiley) or production@lms.ac.uk (LMS Editorial Office).
Upon acceptance, you will also be asked to choose a licence for your paper. Please check whether your institution or funder has a preference.
The options are:
- Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY)
- Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License (CC-BY-NC), which excludes commercial use.
Open Access
The Transactions of the London Mathematical Society is a fully gold open access journal.
For all articles published in the Transactions of the London Mathematical Society, the Article Version of Record is freely available to access immediately upon publication. Article re-use rights are governed by the author’s chosen Creative Commons licence.
To publish in the Transactions of the London Mathematical Society, authors should either:
- Qualify for complimentary gold open access publication through an institutional agreement with Wiley; or
- Pay an Article Publication Charge (APC).
USD 1,900 | GBP 1,460 | EUR 1,650
Please note, your funding body or institution may have funds available specifically for paying APCs, or money that can be used for this purpose. This is not always well advertised, so check your funding agreements or with your institution’s library or Research Services department whether there are any funds you might be eligible for.
Wiley’s partnership with Research4Life enables research from authors from low income economies to published articles open access by providing automatic waivers and discounts on APCs. The list of countries for which automatic waivers or alternatively discounts on APCs can be found here: Open Access Waivers and Discounts | Wiley.
If you have exhausted the options above but do not have funding available to publish, please contact the journal team before submitting.
See our open access page for more information.