Mathematika publishes high-quality articles in pure and applied mathematics and has done so continuously since its founding by Harold Davenport in the 1950s. It has a comprehensive scope with traditional strengths in combinatorics, geometry, analysis and number theory.
All surplus income from the publication of Mathematika is returned to mathematicians and mathematics research via the Society's research grants, conference grants, prizes, initiatives for early career researchers and the promotion of mathematics.
Mathematika is owned by University College London and published by the London Mathematical Society.
Mathematika publishes both pure and applied mathematical articles, and has done so continuously since its founding by Harold Davenport in the 1950s. The traditional emphasis has been towards the purer side of mathematics, but applied mathematics and articles addressing both aspects are equally welcome.
Mathematika is a hybrid journal, with standard subscription access as the default and an Open Access option. For a summary of publishing rights, Open Access and archiving policies for Mathematika, please see this fact sheet.
All surplus income from the publication of Mathematika is returned to mathematicians and mathematics research via the Society's research grants, conference grants, prizes, initiatives for early career researchers and the promotion of mathematics.
Editorial Board
Victor Beresnevich University of York |
Number Theory, Diophantine Approximation | |
William Chen Macquarie University Sydney |
Number Theory, Uniform Distribution, Discrepancy Theory | |
Alex Sobolev University College London |
Analysis, Spectral Theory, PDEs |
Keith Ball FRS University of Warwick |
Discrete Geometry, Functional Analysis, Information Theory | |
Imre Bárány University College London |
Convex Geometry with Applications | |
Costante Bellettini University College London |
Geometric Analysis | |
Jonathan Bennett University of Birmingham |
Classical Harmonic Analysis | |
Régis de la Bretèche Université Paris Diderot |
Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory, Diophantine Geometry | |
Jeffrey Galkowski University College London |
Microlocal Analysis, Spectral and Scattering Theory | |
Mahir Hadzic University College London |
Analysis of nonlinear PDEs | |
Aimo Hinkkanen University of Illinois |
Complex analysis, complex dynamics, quasiconformal geometry | |
Imre Leader University of Cambridge |
Combinatorics, Graphs | |
David Loeffler University of Warwick |
Algebraic Number Theory, Automorphic Forms | |
Kaisa Matomäki University of Turku |
Analytic number theory | |
Svitlana Mayboroda ETH Zurich and University of Minnesota |
Harmonic Analysis, Linear PDEs, Geometric Measure Theory | |
Alexander Movchan University of Liverpool |
Mathematical Methods of Solids, Boundary Value Problems | |
Ian Petrow University College London |
Analytic Number Theory, Automorphic Forms | |
Tom Sanders University of Oxford |
Analysis, Combinatorics | |
Konrad Swanepoel London School of Economics |
Convex, Discrete and Combinatorial Geometry | |
Trevor D. Wooley FRS Purdue University |
Analytic Number Theory, Arithmetic Harmonic Analysis, Diophantine problems | |
Matthew P. Young Rutgers University |
Analytic Number Theory |
Submit to Mathematika
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- Have a single PDF version of your paper ready to be uploaded as part of the web form submission.
Please keep the .tex file that precisely corresponds to the PDF version that you are submitting. If your paper is accepted, we will require that particular version of the .tex file. Please do not send the .tex file at this time.
- Authors should be listed in alphabetical order by surname.
- On the web form, you will be asked to choose the name of the Editor whose mathematical interests are closest to the subject of your paper. It is advisable to study the list before filling in the form and check that you have the most appropriate Editor. If you are not sure, please nominate the Managing Editor Professor William Chen, who may forward your paper to the most suitable Editor on your behalf.
- All research articles published in the Mathematika are peer reviewed. Editors may reject papers without external review
You will be sent an acknowledgement immediately via email, confirming receipt of your submission. If you do not receive such an acknowledgement within 1 hour, please write to mathematika@lms.ac.uk.
When evaluating papers the Editorial Board considers a number of criteria such as general interest, novelty, innovation, significance, and advancement of the field of research.
The Editorial Board and/or Managing Editors will make an initial assessment of all papers against these criteria and typically send only those papers which, in their professional judgment, are likely to meet expected standards for Mathematika for a full review. Preliminary expert opinions may be sought as part of this assessment step.
Revised versions
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The Editors prefer not to consider multiple versions of the same paper before a decision on the first version is sent, particularly if the changes are minor. If you have received a letter that firmly rejects your paper and does not mention that a resubmission would be considered, you would be advised to submit any revision of your paper to another journal.
The LMS uses the journal management software EditFlow, a registered trademark of Mathematical Sciences Publishers. Further information about the EditFlow software is available here.
General Submission Guidelines
Each paper must be submitted exclusively to one journal.
No paper that has been previously published, or which is being considered for publication elsewhere, should be submitted to the London Mathematical Society.
Nor may a paper that is under consideration by the London Mathematical Society be submitted elsewhere.
Authors should take care to keep a copy of all emails sent to the Society.
Ethical Policy
The London Mathematical Society has recently adopted an ethical policy for its journals. The editors of Mathematika expect to apply this policy in circumstances where disputes arise.
Content published in the Mathematika is selected based on merit alone and irrespective of nationality, geographic location, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors. Publication in the Mathematika of individual authors' work does not constitute endorsement by the London Mathematical Society of the policies or actions of any government or other agencies.
Open Access
Mathematika is a hybrid open access journal. By default, articles in the journal will be published on a subscription basis and only be accessible to journal subscribers. The journal has options for gold and green open access publication.
Before submitting to Mathematika, authors should check any open access requirements from their institution or funder.
If you are required to publish on an open access basis but you cannot identify a compliant route with Mathematika, please contact the journal team before submitting.
See our open access page for more information.
Note regarding U.K research funding
This journal is compliant with the RCUK (Research Councils of the United Kingdom) Policy on Access to Research Outputs. Click here for details.
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Paper Management System
The LMS uses the journal management software EditFlow, a registered trademark of Mathematical Sciences Publishers. Further information about the EditFlow software is available here.
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