I am currently a masters student at UCL studying towards an Msc in Medical Statistics and in September, I will be starting a job working in industry as a Biostatistician for Amgen. Prior to my masters I did my bachelors degree in Mathematics and Statistics at Queen Mary, University of London. When I began my degree I wasn't entirely sure which career I wanted to pursue, but I assumed it would most likely be finance/insurance related. However, in my second year I struggled to complete internship applications since I was studying abroad and wasn't sure if I'd be able to interview. So I decided I'd apply straight for graduate schemes. Later in the year though, our careers department sent an e-mail regarding an internship at one of their research centres. After reading the role, I thought it sounded quite interesting so figured it was worth trying and seeing what happens. After what I thought was a really bad interview on my part, I was fortunate enough to be offered the role. The internship was working as a research assistant in the area of preventative medicine. Here I was able to observe the work of medical statisticians working in academia and gain an understanding of Epidemiology. The staff were really friendly and supportive and overall I had a wonderful experience here. Inspired by my time here, I began to gain an interest in this area. Before I began university, I was torn between doing a numerate degree or a medical/biological one and this seemed like the perfect combination of my interests. Having found that there were masters offered in medical statistics, I decided I would apply. I chose some of my final year modules based on this and opted to complete an advanced statistics project on a health related topic whilst also working on my personal statement. I was fortunate enough to be offered a place at my first choice university. Fast forward to when I began my masters degree, I still wasn't entirely sure how to go about applying for a statistics role based in the health sector. I came across a few roles, but also applied for some other roles as a backup. Fortunately, our department had informed us of a PSI careers fair where many employers of statisticians in the industry would be attending. This was a really useful event and it was here that I learnt about the job I will be starting in September. When my interview and offer came about for this role, I was also interviewing at an insurance company. Personally, I thought it was quite ironic how when I began university I was completely convinced I would accept a job in insurance, but now I couldn't be happier to be starting a job as a Biostatistician. Both my university lecturers and staff from the internship were really supportive and kind enough to provide references and advice throughout the process, and I genuinely don't think I would be where I am today without all their help. My advice for current undergraduates would be to keep yourself open to learning and experiencing new things and if something doesn't work out how you imagined, then something better may be waiting for you.