Professor Jason D Lotay

Professor Jason D Lotay

Professor of Pure Mathematics and Fellow at Balliol College, University of Oxford


PhD: University of Oxford, 2006

Previous appointments: 2005-07/08-09 Junior Research Fellow in Science, University College, Oxford; 2007-08 NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow (held at MSRI, Berkeley, USA); 2009-14 EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellow (2009-11 held at Imperial College, London; 2011-14 held at UCL); 2011-18 Reader/Professor, UCL.

Research Interests: Special geometries, particularly related to special holonomy, minimal submanifolds, gauge theory, geometric flows and theoretical physics, mainly via differential geometry and geometric analysis techniques.

LMS service: I was the LMS Representative for UCL from 2012 to 2018. I was a speaker at the LMS Popular Lectures in 2017. I co-organized an LMS-CMI Research School in 2014.

Additional information: Member of EPSRC Mathematical Sciences Strategic Advisory Team since 2021. Member of EPSRC Peer Review College since 2009 and twice received thanks for significant contribution (2020 & 2021). Awarded 6 LMS Scheme 1 and 3 grants as PI to co-organize workshops and research groups, including Brussels-London Geometry seminar. Devised policy briefing "Maths Matters" with Head of Public Policy at UCL and presented briefing to Head of Research Funding at Department for Business, Innovation and Skills  an their team at a meeting which I co-organized in2014. Took part in the Royal Society Pairing Scheme 2015: a very selective scheme providing an opportunity for researchers to spend a week in Westminster paired with an MP or civil servant, allowing insight into the workings of parliament. Written feature article on research for Physics World (2017), article on research for El Pais (2018), and contributed to Daily Mail and Telegraph articles on social distancing (2020). Twice interviewed on radio about research and public engagement: BBC Science Café and BBC Radio 4 Word of Mouth. Co-organized and delivered Art and Maths workshops for general public and teachers (2013-2017) with artist Lilah Fowler. Supervised several undergraduate summer research project students funded by LMS and EPSRC. 

Personal statement: I am passionate about public engagement and outreach, as well as engaging with research funders and policy makers. My aim is always to truly communicate the excitement and importance of mathematics at all levels from elementary school mathematics to current research. I am dedicated to promoting all areas of mathematics, with a particular emphasis on pure mathematics, which I feel requires additional support given the current focus on practical applications and economic impact. I therefore believe that, with these qualities and my experience in communication and engagement, I can make an important contribution to the valuable work the LMS does for mathematics in the UK.