Professor Gregory Sankaran

Professor Gregory Sankaran

Professor of Pure Mathematics, University of Bath


PhD: University of Cambridge, 1986.

Previous appointments: 1986-88 SRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Nijmegen; 1988-95 College Lecturer & Fellow, St Catharine’s College, Cambridge; 1995-present Lecturer/Reader/Professor, University of Bath.

Research interests: Algebraic geometry, especially moduli theory, and interactions with number theory and with computer science..

LMS service: Editorial advisor for LMS publications on Algebraic Geometry, 2003-2013.

Additional information: Member of the local organising committee of British Mathematical Colloquium 2023; member of EPSRC College since 2004 and of Strategic Advisory Team for Mathematical Sciences since 2020; co-organiser  of LMS scheme 3 collaborative seminar COW, 1992-2018; member of Programme Committee of ICMS Edinburgh since 2020; MARM mentor, Makerere University, Kampala (supported by LMS), 2008-2012; Commonwealth Scholarship Committee Academic Advisor Panel since 2022.

Personal statement: I believe that mathematics in the UK is currently in a strong position, being both very successful and often highly regarded nationally and internationally. That regard does not automatically translate into action supportive of mathematics, and success does not automatically breed success. The LMS has an important role to play in ensuring that both these things do happen: by influencing decision makers in collaboration with others; by widening and strengthening the position and appeal of mathematics in the UK; and by directly supporting national and international initiatives. I can contribute to this effort because of my experience of working with government bodies, because I have built collaborations and diverse collaborative structures (LMS Scheme 3 was modelled on COW, not the other way round) and because like most mathematicians I work internationally. In particular mathematics is underrepresented in the global South, especially Africa, and the LMS has done important work to change that.